20th Birthday

Two decades!

  • 20 is the atomic number for calcium. This is essential for good bone health. Think about giving your giftee some calcium-rich dairy products (eg: ice cream) or doing a weight-bearing activity that increases bone density (eg: soccer).
  • 20/20 is associated with perfect vision. Give them some sunglasses or something to look at using their 20/20 vision (eg: theatre, artwork).  
  • Score = 20 (eg: fourscore and seven years ago…). Work in a scoring activity here (eg: sports events, board games)
  • Have your giftee guess their gift using 20 questions.
  • The 20th century is associated with many great inventions and events. You can use these to work in gifts (eg: space exploration began in the 20th century-take your giftee stargazing, watch a movie about space)
  • Pick your giftee up a book, movie or artwork from the 1920’s.
  • Watch a show/movie by 20th Century Fox.
  • Traditional 20th-anniversary gifts include china, platinum, asters and emeralds. These could be incorporated into your theme.
  • Check out our general birthday theme for more ideas around gifts, wrapping and presentation. 
