Oh, my old friend alcohol. You consoled me when I had bad days, you helped me celebrate the good days,…
Read moreDepending on the jurisdiction we all have to wait until a specified age before we can consume alcohol but did…
Read moreExamples include Moosehead, Funky Monkey cocktail, Grasshopper, Warthog, Wild Turkey... Try an online search for drinks with animal names. If…
Read moreThe simplest approach here is to visit your local liquor store and go with a beverage that is the colour…
Read moreWant to create a dramatic, flavour enhancing spectacle during dinner tonight? Interested in a drink that wows? In theory, any…
Read moreThe word "Wild" could be in the beverage name or be the name of the brewery/vineyard. Examples include: Wild Turkey,…
Read moreBrand name bottled waters will work but if you're not into spending $3 for something that comes for free out of…
Read moreWho doesn't like popping the top off of one of those bottles?! Think outside the box: use the bubbles to…
Read moreIf you're trying to think of what sort of products fit into this category, think things that last forever or…
Read moreEver wonder why eggnog is only available during December? 'Cause if we had access to a 500 calorie/cup drink year…
Read moreFun fact: On November 18th, 1307 the legendary William Tell shot an apple from his son’s head. November 18th is now National Apple…
Read moreShowing 1–16 of 34 results