You can try to incorporate all the senses in this gift, or just stick to one. Here are a few examples for each of the senses (click on each sense for our full list of suggestions):
You can also incorporate activities and items that deprive the senses in this theme. For example:
“Dark dining”. Dark dining takes place in a dark restaurant, where the customers do not see the food they are eating. The basic concept is that the removal of vision enhances the other senses and increases the enjoyment of the meal. If you can’t find a restaurant nearby that does this, try blindfolding your giftee while they eat a home made meal.
Make them use their senses to figure out the gift. Eg: Have them smell the flowers you picked out before seeing them. Or blindfold them and have them figure out what the gift is by feel alone.
Use quotes or phrases that relate to your theme when you present the gifts or in your card. For example:
Things always make more sense around you.
Have a sensational anniversary/birthday.
Of all the senses, I love your sense of humour the most.
Create your own custom card to go with your senses theme!